Press releases

Marked Press Release [AUTO]

EU Industrial Maritime Strategy: The Competitiveness Compass is pointing to the right direction

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Marked Publication [AUTO]

Joint position SEA Europe and industriAll Europe priorities for the next European Commission

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Marked Event [AUTO]

SEA Europe attending Posidonia 2024

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Sea Europe

The voice of the maritime civil and naval technology industries in Europe

Promotes the mutual interests of its member associations. Promotes the interests of the maritime civil and naval technology industries. Is a recognised social partner in the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for Shipbuilding. Is a key player in the Waterborne Technology Platform.


European shipyards

Successful in very complex, technologically advanced markets

Produce an annual production value of about € 43 bn. Build and/or export most complex and technologically advanced civil and naval ships. Also delivering the technology for the development of emerging blue growth activities (offshore renewals, aquaculture, etc). ± 300 in building, repairing, maintaining or converting vessels. Employ more than 285,000 people directly. In terms of value, the civil and naval European orderbook together is bigger than its Asian counterparts.

seaeurope european marinee equipment

European marine equipment

A world market leader

± 22,000 big, small or medium-sized marine manufacturers and suppliers. Deliver various materials, systems and equipment or act as service providers in engineering and consulting. Generate an annual production value of about € 70 bn. Employ more than 320,000 people directly. Represent 50% of the worldwide market share. 

European maritime technology

Amongst the highest investment intensity in RDI activities in Europe

Invests 9% of the industry sales in research, development and innovation. Consolidates and strengths the EU’s frontrunner role in RD&I, greening of the waterborne sector and digital technologies. Develops concepts essential to ensure the transition to a clean, digital and competitive European waterborne transport sector and to enhance the sector’s competitiveness. Invests in highly-skilled workforce enabling the sector to meet the challenges of the twin green and digital transition.


Special Business Areas

SEA Naval
European naval industries are key providers of the appropriate equipment and platforms for ensuring the protection of Europe’s coastlines. Hence, they are key contributors to the defence capabilities of Europe.

The SEA Europe Ship Maintenance, Repair & Conversion (SMRC) group is an autonomous working group of SEA Europe.