SEA Europe is recognised as the European sectoral social partner representing the shipbuilding, ship repair and manufacture of maritime equipment industry. As such, SEA Europe participates in the European Social Dialogue Committee on Shipbuilding together with its counterpart, industriAll European Trade Union.

The Social Dialogue Committee on Shipbuilding was established in 2003, being the first European committee of the metal sector to be created. Since then, SEA Europe has engaged in a permanent dialogue with industriAll Europe and the European institutions with the aim of promoting the competitiveness of the sector, fostering consultation and collaboration and developing joint actions and projects.

Amongst others, the current work programme of the Social Dialogue Committee contains the following priority topics:

  • Impact of Covid-19
  • Market, Employment and Policy Developments in Shipbuilding and Maritime Technology
  • Advocate for a new Industrial Policy for the sector
  • Skills and Training
  • Industry 4.0 Digitalisation and Green Deal
  • Promotion of European Social Standards
  • Image and attractiveness of the sector

Some examples of latest joint-actions of the Social Dialogue Committee: